Wednesday, June 14, 2017

"The Corner Store Witch" Review

The Corner Store WitchThe Corner Store Witch by H.D. Lynn
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Thank you to NetGalley and Throw This Book at Me for offering this book for free in exchange for an honest review!

This book reads like a short story or a manga volume. It's a quick read. In a way it feels like a fresh voice on the scene of fantasy and sci-fi as it offers a diverse cast although it felt a bit forced and undeveloped at times. It does include lots of references for fantasy/sci-fi lovers. The main character is frank and real yet was brought down since she was a combination of forceful and whiny. Definitely be aware that this book is crude.

The pacing for the most part was great, more on the speedy side. I would have liked to see something dramatic with build-up before the end though. I was shocked when I reached the end and felt like nothing climactic had happened. I didn't connect with all parts of this book but it reminded me of a video game and I definitely enjoyed many of the references.

I'd say it's a gallant attempt at an original premise but I think it could be improved in many ways.